
This page provides some tips and tricks to try to resolve any problems that may be encountered during app installation

Each of the apps available for download contains an internal database that is copied to the application's storage area for providing quick access to app pages. Please allow sufficient time for the app to run the first time it is started to ensure that database is copied successfully.

How to easily clear RAM on your iOS Device

This is especially useful for apps that crash during installation.

  1. Make sure your iPhone is unlocked and then hold down the power button as if you were turning off the phone.
  2. Instead of the usual “slide to power off” swipe to turn it off, hold down the Home button for around 5 seconds. You should see the phone go straight back to your applications screen.

The above steps will flush out the RAM on your iPhone, clearing out all junk processes and freeing up RAM on your iOS device. More at:

Fixing iOS App Crashes

If you are experiencing problems with any of the apps, first delete the app, then close all background apps (see This is a handy trick to free up additional memory to your device for ensuring a good app installation. Next download the app again from the Apple App store (free of charge using the original iTunes Account information) and run the app. Please wait for the app to completely install and run before closing the app. If you still have problems send me an email providing the app name, the device type (iPad, iPhone) and the iOS version you are using and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sunday Lectionary

The Sunday Lectionary app does in fact contain years a A, B, C however only the current year index is provided until the first day of Advent. On the first day of Advent (of the following year) when the user opens the app, the indexes recalculate for the new Christian year. If you need to peak ahead, you can set your device clock to the first day of Advent and open the app so the app can recalculate the next year indexes. If you do this, it should only be done for viewing the  Sunday Lectionary app as other apps will be adversely affected because of the change in device date. Make sure you reset your device back to the current date.  Or you can just wait until this coming Advent (November 29, 2015). 

Daily Office Lectionary

The Daily Office Lectionary behaves the same as the Sunday Lectionary in that it only displays the current year index up until the first day of Advent. On the first day of Advent (of the following year) when the user opens the app, the indexes recalculate for the new Christian year. If you need to peak ahead, you can set your device clock to the first day of Advent and open the app so the app can recalculate the next year indexes. If you do this, it should only be done for viewing the  Sunday Lectionary app as other apps will be adversely affected because of the change in device date. Make sure you reset your device back to the current date.  Or you can just wait until this coming Advent (November 29, 2015). 

iOS App Support

If you are having problems with any iOS apps, please try these tips:

  1. Verify you have the latest iOS installed on your device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad).
  2. Verify you have free storage on your device (Settings => General => Usage).
  3. Verify Region Format is United States (Settings => General => International => Region Format).
  4. Verify Language is English (Settings => General => International => Language) which is required for date format calculation.
  5. Try uninstalling the app, power down and up your device, then reinstall:
    • iPad - from App Store => Purchased tab => Not on this iPad
    • iPhone - from App Store => Updates => Purchased => Not on this iPhone
    • iPod Touch - from App Store => Updates => Purchased => Not on this iPod

If you are still having problems, please email me

If the app is crashing, please email the device crash log file to

  1. Open iTunes on your computer.
  2. Plug your iPhone to the computer and sync it using the USB cable that came with the phone.
  3. Go to the "Start" menu at the bottom of the screen and open "My Computer."
  4. Double click the "C:/" drive icon.
  5. Open each folder in this order: "Users," "AppData," "Roaming," "Apple computer," "Logs," "CrashReporter" and "MobileDevice." Opening one will allow you access to the next.
  6. Open the log you want to view. Each one begins with the title of the application.

Android App Support

If you are having problems with any Android Apps, please try these tips:

  1. Verify you have the latest Android operating system installed on your device (2.2 or greater)
  2. Verify you have free storage on your device (Settings => Storage => Available space)
  3. Verify you have Language set to English (United States) (Settings => Language & keyboard => Select language) which is required for date format calculation.
  4. Try uninstalling the app, power down and up your device, then reinstall.  Start up the app and wait until it finishes loading it's internal database file.

If you are still having problems, please email me

Windows App Support

Currently, no issues have been reported.  

If you are having problems, please email me

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