This App is based upon the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP - Episcopal Church) and the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).
The purpose of the App is to provide the complete Year A, B, and C Sunday Lectionary scriptures that are normally only listed by their passages. In the past, the reader would look up the passages in the Book of Common Prayer for the applicable Year and date. Next they would individually open their Bible to the passage to obtain the reading.
By having the readings in the app database saves the reader from having to look these scriptures up. The database and supporting algorithms also provide a perpetual yearly calendar for all Sunday readings (forever).
I hope you and your family enjoy this App as much as I have enjoyed creating it and using it for my own family.
To the left is the opening screen (or splash screen as it is often referred to) that you are presented with after you launch the application.
This app also displays in full screen on the iPad.
This app was designed to be used without an internet connection. Therefore, all readings for year A, B, and C are provided.
If this is the first time the App has been run, then the Installing Lectionary Database progress bar is displayed.
After the database has been completely installed, the Lectionary Index is built and stored for future fast file access.
Next the Sunday Lectionary readings for the next Sunday are automatically displayed.
The readings are based on the passages that are found in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal Church) for the lectionary or from the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) depending upon the selected lectionary chosen in the Settings display (see below).
Typical readings include:
- Old Testament
- Psalm
- Epistle
- Gospel
Scripture readings are available in New King James Version (NKJV) and New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) via the NKJV | NRSV selection button. This selection is stored as a user preference when the app is closed.
Links to the complete copyright statements are available after each scripture as applicable.
Each reading is displayed on it's own page. To view the reading on a page, simply swipe your finger up to move the current display text up.
To change readings, tap the > button, or slide the right page margin to the left to turn the page to the new reading.
To return to a previous reading, tap the < button, or slide the left page margin to the right to turn the page backwards.
Rotating the device to landscape presentation provides an even better zoom capability.
Clicking on the About button displays more information about this App and information regarding the Book of Common Prayer including the following section titles:
- About This App
- Concerning the Lectionary
- The Ratification of the Book of Common Pray (1789)
Click the phone's back button to return to the previous Lectionary screen.
At the bottom of each scripture is the copyright link acronym of the applicable scripture translation; NKJV for New King James Version and NRSV for New Revised Standard Version.
The link acronyms link to the bottom of the page where the applicable translation short version copyright statement is located. The title of the short version copyright statement is a link to the complete copyright statement for the applicable translation.
To the right is an example screen displaying the NKJV copyright statement.
Click the return button to return to the previous Lectionary screen.
Select the desire lectionary BCP for Book of Common Prayer, or RCL for Revised Common Lectionary using the BCP / RCL selection buttons.
The New King James Version (NKJV) and New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) are chosen using the version switch.
Also provided is a Settings action bar button that provides access to the desire lectionary selection, translation version, font and zoom level feature, or desired dates when clicked.
Text font face is selectable between monospace, sans-serif, and serif font styles. Zoom levels are also provided to enlarge the display font.
The Choose Display Date control enables you to advance to other days in the year to view the readings for that day. Note that the readings will be shown for the first sunday following the desired date.
This app also includes a navigation drawer that can be activated by clicking on the three horizontal bars next to the app icon in the top left of the display. This navigation drawer lists all the sunday readings for the year on their giving dates. This list is recalculated each year to provide a perpetual reading capability for the app.
Clicking the Dates action bar button displays the Seasons, Major Feasts, and Colors Associated With the Christian Year screen. The dates shown are for the current date calendar year. To view this entire screen, simply swipe your finger up to move the current display text up.
Seasons shown include:
- Advent
- Christmas
- Epiphany
- Lenten
- Easter
- Pentecost
- Kingdomtide