This App is based on the Prayers and Thanksgivings chapter in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal Church) beginning on page 809. The purpose of the App is to provide easy access to more than 120 Prayers and Thankgivings available using a simple to use interface. Also included is the Prayers of the People (Forms I through VI) normally found on page 383 of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal Church). I hope you and your family find this App spiritually enriching for your souls and enjoy it as much as I do with my family.
Below is the opening screen (or splash screen as it is often referred to) that you are presented with after you launch the application.
After about three seconds and the program has finished loading, you will be presented with the Main Screen showing four selection groups:
- Prayers
- Prayers of the People
- Thanksgivings
- About
Selecting Prayers opens the Prayers list for quick access to over 120 prayers. Simply scroll down the list to view the other prayer categories available including:
- Prayers for the World
- Prayers for the Social Order
- Prayers for the Natural Order
- Prayers for the Church
- Prayers for National Life
- Prayers for Family and Personal Life
- Other Prayers
Selecting the Prayers of the People displays the Prayers of the People Forms list. There are six forms available for the Prayers of the People.
Prayer is offered with intercession for:
- The Universal Church, its members, and its mission
- The Nation and all in authority
- The welfare of the world
- The concerns of the local community
- Those who suffer and those in any trouble
- The departed (with commemoration of a saint when appropriate)
Any of the forms listed may be used. Adaptations or insertions suitable to the occasion may be made.
Any of the forms may be conformed to the language of the Rite being used. Optional petitions are identified and may be omitted. The Celebrant may introduce the Prayers with a sentence of invitation related to the occasion, or the season, or the Proper of the Day.
Thanksgivings are made available by selecting Thanksgivings from the Main Screen. Available Thanksgivings categories include:
- General Thanksgivings
- Thanksgivings for the Church
- Thanksgivings for National Life
- Thanksgivings for the Social Order
- Thanksgivings for the Natural Order
- Thanksgivings for Family and Personal Life
Select the numbered Thanksgiving to view the associated text.
Selecting About from the Main Screen displays the About display providing background information about this app.
Thank you for taking the time to review this website information about the Prayers and Thanksgivings App.
May God Bless you with spiritual richness as you read the Prayes and Thanksgivings available.