Pray God's Will - In 365 Days App

Apple TV

Based on the Book by Jay Duque, this app aims to help every believer know how to pray, know what to pray for, and pray according to the will of God. This app contains 365 days of prayers. Each day has a different content direct from the Word of God. You may use these prayers for your children, grandchildren, relatives and friends at the start of each day. They may be close to you or at a distance, but the power of prayer will reach them and will never cease to impact them. You may also use this app as a personal daily devotional while praying God's Will for your own life and situation.

After the app is launched the splash screen is displayed showing a representation of the original book that the app is based upon.  

After the splash screen completes, the Daily Prayer screen is displayed. It shows the current month and day, the prayer title, and the scripture references that relate to the prayer shown followed by the prayer. Below the prayer are buttons to select prayers for Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

The About screen provides access to Dedication, Acknowledgement, How To, and Prayer information. 

The Index screen provides a list of all 365 prayers for easy access to any prayer in the app. Just click on one from the list to see your selected prayer. 

Below is an example of the prayer selected from the Index. Click the remote's Menu button to return to the previous screen. 

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